trade show Displays

Trade Show Displays: Uses, Types and Benefits

Ever feel lost in a crowded trade show, unsure which booths to visit? That’s where impactful displays come in. They act as a magnet, drawing attendees in to learn about your business. In this blog, we’ll break down everything about trade show displays what they’re used for, the different types available, and the benefits they bring. We’ll help you design a display that stops attendees in their tracks, leaving a lasting impression and boosting your business.  

What is a Trade Show Display?

A trade show display is your company’s mini-marketing headquarters at a trade show event. It’s a visually appealing and informative exhibit designed to grab attention, showcase your brand and products or services, and ultimately generate leads and sales.


Imagine you’re attending a giant industry gathering, surrounded by competitors. Your trade show display is what makes you stand out. It’s like a silent salesperson working tirelessly to attract potential customers and spark conversations.

Definition of a Trade Show Display

In the context of trade shows and exhibitions, a trade show display is essentially a visually compelling and informative exhibit designed to grab attention and act as a marketing tool for a company. It’s the physical space a company occupies at the event to showcase.

What is a Trade Show Display Used For?

A trade show display is essentially your company’s mini-marketing outpost at a trade show or industry event. It’s a visual presentation designed to:

Grab attention:  Attract potential customers and make your brand stand out from the competition. Eye-catching visuals and a well-designed booth will draw people in.

Showcase products or services:  This is your chance to shine a light on what you offer. You can use displays, product demos, and presentations to educate attendees about your brand’s unique selling points.

Generate leads and network:  Trade shows are a great opportunity to meet potential customers and partners face-to-face. Your display should provide a welcoming space for interaction, with staff on hand to answer questions and collect leads.

Boost brand awareness:  A well-designed trade show display reinforces your brand identity and messaging. It’s a chance to leave a lasting impression on attendees and create brand recognition.

What are the Types of the Trade Show Displays?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to trade show displays. The best option for you depends on several factors like budget, booth size, and the kind of impact you want to make. We’ve broken down some of the most popular types of trade show displays to help you navigate your choices:

Pop-Up Displays: Easy to transport and assemble, pop-up displays are a classic choice for smaller booths. They unfold like an accordion, creating a lightweight backdrop for showcasing your brand message with large graphics.

Tension Fabric Displays: Offering a sleek and modern look, tension fabric displays utilize a lightweight aluminum frame covered with high-quality, wrinkle-resistant fabric printed with your graphics. They come in various shapes and sizes and are relatively easy to set up.

Truss Displays: Known for their versatility and scalability, truss displays are ideal for creating larger, more elaborate exhibits. Made from aluminum tubing, they can be customized with various components like shelves, lighting, and hanging signs.

Banner Stands: A portable and budget-friendly option, banner stands are great for displaying key information or highlighting specific products. They come in retractable, telescoping, and other styles, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Modular Displays: Offering a high degree of customization, modular displays consist of reusable panels that can be configured in various ways to create different booth layouts. This flexibility allows you to use the same display system for multiple trade shows, reconfiguring it to fit different booth spaces.

Custom Trade Show Backdrops: These are the foundation of most trade show displays, forming the background behind your booth. Backdrops can be made from a variety of materials like fabric, vinyl, or even lightboxes, and are a prime location to showcase your company logo, slogan, or key messaging.  They come in various sizes to fit your booth and can be integrated with other display elements like pop-up frames or truss systems.

What is the Actual Cost of the Trade Show Display?

The actual cost of your trade show display depends on several factors, but you can expect to spend around $100-$150 per square foot for a basic setup [industry average for display cost per square foot]. This cost covers the materials and fabrication of the display itself, like banner stands or pop-up booths.

However, the total cost can increase with:

  • Size: Bigger booths naturally cost more.
  • Complexity: Displays with intricate designs, lighting, or AV equipment will be pricier.
  • Customization: Unique elements or personalized graphics will add to the cost.

What are the Sizes of the Trade Show Displays?

Trade show displays come in a variety of sizes to fit your needs and budget. Here’s a quick breakdown of the most common options:

10′ x 10′ Booth (Standard): This is the most popular size, ideal for a small footprint or a new business. It’s cost-effective and easy to manage, but can feel cramped for larger product displays.

10′ x 20′ Booth (Double): Twice the size of a standard booth, this offers more space to showcase products, create a meeting area, or hold demonstrations. It’s a good choice for businesses looking to make a bigger impact.

20′ x 20′ Booth (Island): This large, open booth allows attendees to approach from all sides. It’s ideal for companies with a significant presence or those looking to create a premium experience.

Can I Adjust a Trade Show Display to Fit Different Booth Sizes?

Yes, maximizing your trade show investment often means getting the most out of your display. Here’s how you can adjust a display to fit different booth sizes:

Modular Displays: These are like building blocks, with interchangeable panels, shelves, and towers. You can add or remove components to create a display that perfectly fits your booth space, from a 10′ x 10′ footprint to a larger island booth.

Scalable Graphics: Banners and backdrops can often be adjusted in size or easily swapped out depending on your booth layout. Look for displays with interchangeable graphic panels or consider using retractable banners that adjust to different widths.

Folding and Pop-Up Displays: These compact displays unfold into larger presentations. Many come in various sizes or can be combined to create a larger display for a bigger booth.

What are the Materials of the Trade Show Displays?

The materials used in your trade show display play a big role in its durability, portability, and visual impact. Here’s a breakdown of the most common options:

Lightweight & Portable: Vinyl banners (think affordable, colorful backdrops) and fabric graphics (wrinkle-resistant, sleek displays) are easy to transport and set up.

Durable & Sturdy: Aluminum frames and kiosks provide a strong foundation, while laminate panels offer a scratch-resistant surface for tabletops and signs.

How Long will a Trade Show Display Typically Last?

Well-maintained displays can last for Five years. With proper care (think storing them safely after use), a high-quality display system made from durable materials like aluminum or laminate panels can become a workhorse for your trade show presence.

The key is choosing the right materials for your needs. Consider factors like weight, how often you’ll use the display, and how you’ll transport it.

For example, lightweight vinyl banners might be ideal for occasional use, but for a frequently used display, a sturdier option like aluminum framing might be a better investment.

How can I Protect my Trade Show Display During Transport and Storage?

To Protect your trade show displays here are some things that you should need to know.

Use the right-sized carrying cases or crates specifically designed for your display. Padding materials like bubble wrap or foam will safeguard fragile components. Invest in protective covers for larger elements like tabletops or graphic panels.

Clearly mark each box or case with contents and handling instructions. This saves you time during assembly at the next show and avoids any confusion during transport or storage.

Find a clean, dry space to store your display. Ideally, avoid extreme temperatures or humidity. Keeping your display out of direct sunlight also helps prevent fading.

How can I Make my Trade Show Display More Sustainable?

To make your trade show display more sustainable here are some things that you should need to follow.

Opt for recyclable options like aluminum frames and fabric graphics. Look for providers who use eco-friendly printing processes with soy-based inks.

A modular display system lets you reconfigure components for different booth sizes, eliminating the need to buy a new display for each show. Invest in reusable elements like LED lighting and digital signage to cut down on energy consumption.

Instead of overflowing landfills with brochures, consider using digital brochures accessible through QR codes. Go for giveaways made from sustainable materials like bamboo or recycled plastic.

How can I Use Lighting to Improve my Trade Show Display?

To improve your trade show display using lighting, consider the following strategies:

Use strategically placed spotlights to highlight key products or showcase new innovations. This creates a focal point and draws visitors in for a closer look.

Banish those harsh shadows with even backlighting that illuminates your graphics and signage. This ensures everything is crisp, clear, and easily readable, even from a distance.

Create a captivating atmosphere with ambient lighting. Warm tones invite attendees in, while cooler tones can evoke a sense of energy and excitement.

What Types of Technology Can I Use into a Trade Show Display?

Integrate technology into your trade show display to enhance engagement and visitor experience. Use interactive touch screens, AR, and VR for immersive exploration. Employ digital signage, mobile apps, and RFID/NFC for dynamic content and seamless data exchange. Live streaming and beacon technology broaden your reach and personalize interactions. Showcase 3D printing capabilities and integrate social media to drive online engagement and interaction. These technologies not only attract attention but also provide a memorable and informative experience for attendees.

What are the Trade Show Display Regulations I Need to be Aware Of?

Trade show regulations might seem daunting, but they’re simply there to ensure a smooth and successful event for everyone. Here’s a quick guide to navigate the essentials and avoid any roadblocks:

Know Your Booth Size: Most shows offer standard sizes like 10′ x 10′ or 10′ x 20′. Understanding your designated space allows you to design a display that fits perfectly, maximizing your impact without needing last-minute adjustments.

Mind the Height Limits: There are restrictions on how high your display can go. Backdrops and signage typically have a maximum height (usually 8′ – 10′) to ensure clear sightlines for all attendees.

Fire Safety First: Certain materials or displays with special effects might require pre-approval from the fire marshal. Checking with the show organizers beforehand ensures your display adheres to fire safety regulations.

Power Up Wisely: Not all booths offer unlimited electricity. Understanding your power needs (lights, equipment) and adhering to the provided outlets is crucial to avoid overloading circuits. Most shows will outline wattage limitations in the exhibitor manual.

Be a Considerate Neighbor: Many shows have guidelines regarding noise levels, blocking aisles, or soliciting attendees outside your designated booth space. Following these ensures a smooth experience for everyone on the show floor.

What Makes a Good Trade Show Display?

A good trade show display isn’t just about how fancy it looks; it’s about how effectively it achieves your marketing goals. Here are some key ingredients for a display that gets noticed and generates results:

Attention-grabbing visuals:  In a crowded show floor, you need to stand out. Bold colors, high-quality graphics, and unique elements can help you do that.

Clear and concise messaging:  People are busy, so your display should quickly tell them who you are, what you do, and why they should care. Keep your message focused and easy to understand.

Interactive elements:  Going beyond static displays, interactive features like demos, contests, or games can engage visitors and create a memorable experience.

Open and inviting atmosphere:  An open layout with comfortable seating encourages people to approach your booth and stay a while. Avoid creating a closed-off feeling.

Professional and enthusiastic staff:  Your staff are the heart of your display. They should be knowledgeable, approachable, and passionate about your brand to effectively connect with potential customers.

Measurable goals:  Set goals for your trade show participation, such as the number of leads you want to generate. Design your display and track results to see what’s working and what can be improved for future shows.

What Should a Trade Show Display Be?

Your trade show display should be a strategic blend of functionality and brand messaging, designed to achieve your specific goals for the event. Here are some key considerations:

Goal-oriented: Before diving into design, determine what you want to achieve. Is it generating leads, promoting a new product, or brand awareness?  This will guide the overall look and feel of your display.

Visually Appealing:  First impressions matter that why your display should be eye-catching and use high-quality visuals that represent your brand effectively. Bold colors, clear graphics, and well-lit elements can draw attendees in from a distance.

Informative and Engaging: Don’t just tell, show and use product displays, demonstrations, or presentations to educate visitors about your offerings. Interactive elements like touchscreens or contests can further engage the audience.

Functional and Inviting: Make sure your display is easy to navigate. Provide clear pathways, comfortable seating areas if needed, and enough space for people to gather and interact with your staff.

Brand Consistent: Your display should be an extension of your overall brand identity.  Use your brand colors, logos, and messaging consistently to create a cohesive experience for visitors.

Easy to Assemble and Disassemble: Trade shows are fast-paced events.  Choose a display system that’s easy to transport, set up, and take down without requiring a team of specialists.

Lead Capture Ready:  Have a plan for capturing leads!  This could involve sign-up forms, digital lead capture tools, or business card collection points. Make it easy for interested attendees to connect with you after the show.

Where To Buy Trade Show Displays?

Finding the perfect trade show display can feel overwhelming. You (the exhibitor) need a solution that’s both visually impressive and functionally easy to manage. We understand! That’s why we recommend considering EZ Backdrops for your trade show needs.

EZ Backdrops offers a wide range of high-quality, portable trade show displays. From banner displays and table throws to tension fabric displays and Backdrops, they have a variety of options to suit your space, budget, and brand.

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