types of trade show displays

Types of Trade Show Booths and Displays

Trade shows are a fantastic opportunity to showcase your brand and connect with potential customers. But with so many booths vying for attention, how do you make yours stand out? In this blog, we’ll guide you through the different types of trade show exhibits and displays available. We’ll explore everything from portable pop-up displays to grand custom structures, helping you find the perfect fit for your budget, brand, and goals.

But before we jump into the Trade Show Displays let’s go into the types of trade show exhibits.

How Many Types of Trade Show Booths are There? 

There are several type of booths that can be customized in all sorts of ways, and the design can be as creative as the businesses themselves. However, to help you navigate the most common options, we can categorize them by their physical location within the trade show layout.

Inline Booth:

This is the most common type of booth, and you’ll find them lining the perimeter of the show floor. They are typically flanked by other booths on either side, with one open visitor aisle. Inline booths are a good option for smaller companies or those with a limited budget.

Inline booths, typically ranging from 10′ x 10′ to 10′ x 20′, are the most economical option. They’re ideal for startups or companies on a tight budget. Their easy setup and portability make them a popular choice. However, the limited space restricts elaborate displays or presentations and offers less visibility compared to other booth types.

Corner Booth:

These booths are situated at the corner of an aisle, giving them two open sides for visitor traffic. This provides greater visibility compared to inline booths and allows for more creative design approaches. Corner booths are a good choice if you have a bit more space and want to attract attention from a larger audience.

Corner booths, often found in 10′ x 10′ or 10′ x 20′ configurations, provide increased visibility with two open sides. This allows for more creative and engaging displays compared to inline booths. The slight increase in cost might be worthwhile if you want to grab more attention. However, showcasing a large variety of products might be challenging in a corner booth.

Peninsula Booth:

Peninsula booths have three open sides for visitors to approach. They offer increased visibility and space compared to inline booths but are not open on all four sides. These can be a good option if you want more space than a corner booth but don’t need the full exposure of an island booth.

Peninsula booths, typically ranging from 10′ x 20′ to 20′ x 20′, offer more space and visibility than inline booths. This allows for multiple display areas and creates more opportunities for interaction with visitors. The additional space comes at a higher cost than inline or corner booths, and managing visitor flow from three sides might necessitate extra staff.

Island Booth:

These are the most prominent booths, freestanding and accessible from all four sides.  Island booths provide maximum visibility and allow for the most creative and elaborate designs. However, they also come with the highest cost. If you’re a large company looking to make a big splash, or if you have a lot of product demonstrations or presentations planned, an island booth might be the way to go.

How to Choose the Right Type of Trade Show Booth?

When choosing the right type of trade show booth, consider your budget, the size and type of products you’re showcasing, and the overall image you want to project.  Think about how much foot traffic you anticipate and how much space you’ll need to interact with potential customers. By considering these factors, you can select the booth type that best suits your needs and helps you achieve your trade show goals.

How Many Types of Trade Show Displays Are There?

The Types of Trade show displays exist on a spectrum, ranging from portable and affordable to elaborate, custom-built structures. However, to give you a clearer picture, here are some of the most common categories, along with their key characteristics.

Portable Displays (Under $1,000):

Portable trade show displays are a great option if you’re looking for a convenient and budget-friendly way to showcase your business at trade shows. They’re ideal for first-time exhibitors, those who need a quick and easy setup, or companies working with a limited budget.

Here’s what makes them so user-friendly:

Faster & Easier Setup: Compared to more complex displays, portable options are much easier to assemble. This is especially helpful if you’re short of time or don’t have a lot of experience setting up booths.

Lightweight & Portable: Made from lightweight materials, these displays are easy to transport and ship. This is perfect if you plan on attending multiple shows throughout the year.

Variety of Sizes: Portable displays come in various sizes, from tabletop displays for smaller presentations to larger 8ft, 10ft, and even 20ft options to create a more prominent presence.

Customization Options: Don’t let the “portable” label fool you! You can still personalize your display with eye-catching graphics and branding. Many vendors offer custom printing services to ensure your display reflects your unique style.

Accessories for Added Functionality: Want to add more functionality to your display? Many portable options allow for additional features like kiosks, counters, and lighting to enhance the visitor experience.

What Are the Types of The Portable Trade Show Displays?

There are several types of portable displays, each with its own unique features and benefits. Here are some of the most common types:

Banner Stands: These are vertical displays featuring retractable banners with interchangeable graphic panels.

Size: Typically range from 3′ x 3′ to 10′ x 10′ retractable banners.

Material: Vinyl or fabric is most common, with PVC and scrim options for added durability or wind resistance outdoors.

Importance: Easy to transport and set up, banner stands are ideal for showcasing a single, impactful image or message. Their affordability makes them a popular choice for startups or businesses on a tight budget.

Cost: Expect to spend anywhere from $100 to $500 depending on size, material, and graphic quality.

Retractable Banner Stands:

Retractable banner stands are a popular choice for portable trade show displays, offering a convenient and budget-friendly way to showcase your brand or message.

Size: Typically range from a compact 24″ x 63″ to a larger 36″ x 80″ display area, making them suitable for smaller booths or areas with limited space.

Affordable: One of the most cost-effective portable display options.

Graphic: High-quality, wrinkle-resistant vinyl or fabric banner that retracts for easy storage and transport.

Types of Retractable Banner Stands

Standard Retractable Banner Stand: This is the most common type. It features a single, retractable banner that rolls up and down within a lightweight aluminum or plastic base.  These stands are ideal for showcasing logos, key messaging, or product highlights in a limited space.  They come in various sizes, typically ranging from 24″ x 63″ to 36″ x 80″.

Double-Sided Retractable Banner Stand: As the name suggests, this variation allows you to utilize both sides of the banner for displaying your message. This effectively doubles your display space and is a great option if you want to maximize your visibility at a trade show or event.

Cassette Retractable Banner Stand: This type offers a more premium look with a sleek, cassette-style base that conceals the retracted banner completely.  This creates a cleaner and more professional aesthetic for your display.

Pop-Up Displays:

Pop up Displays are lightweight, collapsible frames that come with fabric panels that attach to create large-format visuals.

Size: Available in a range of sizes, with 10′ x 10′ being the most common.

Material: Lightweight aluminum frames with fabric or vinyl graphics.

Importance: Pop-up displays offer a more substantial presence than banner stands. They’re perfect for showcasing multiple graphics and product information. Their portability makes them a breeze to transport and assemble.

Cost: Prices typically fall between $500 and $2,000 depending on size, number of panels, and graphic quality.

Tabletop Displays:

Tabletop Displays are fabric cloths designed to drape over standard tables, instantly transforming them into branded elements within your booth.

Size: Vary considerably, but generally range from a small briefcase-sized display to a table runner spanning the entire 6′ or 8′ table length.

Material: Can be made from fabric, vinyl, or even acrylic.

Importance: A great option for smaller booths or budget-conscious businesses. Tabletop displays effectively utilize the table surface for product presentations or literature displays.

Cost: You’ll find tabletop displays at various price points, from under $100 to over $500 depending on size, complexity, and material.

Tension Fabric Displays:

Tension fabric displays are a popular choice for portable trade show exhibits, offering a sleek and modern look with a user-friendly setup.

Size: Highly customizable, with options ranging from table throws to large backdrops spanning an entire booth.

Material: Lightweight, high-quality fabric that provides a sleek and vibrant display.

Importance:  Fabric tension displays offer a modern and visually appealing way to showcase your brand. The wrinkle-resistant fabric makes them easy to transport and care for.

Cost: Expect to pay between $300 and $1,500 depending on size and graphic complexity.

Modular Displays:

Modular displays consist of interchangeable panels, frames, and connectors. You can mix and match components to create a display that perfectly fits your space and needs.

Variable Size: This modularity allows you to build displays in various sizes, from small tabletop presentations to expansive booths spanning an entire trade show floor.

Format Flexibility: Modular displays aren’t restricted to a specific format like a rectangle. You can create curved walls, L-shaped configurations, or even kiosks with shelves and monitor mounts.

Higher Initial Cost: Modular displays generally have a higher initial cost compared to retractable banners.

Assembly Time: Setting up a larger modular display might take more time and effort compared to a pop-up display.

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